
The Queen’s Club is a private member’s club, which is owned and operated by the members. Family and individual memberships are available.

For all membership inquiries, including membership package requests and tours of the Club, applicants should contact the General Manager, who will refer all applications to the Membership Committee.


Admission to membership is by sponsorship from a senior member along with a suitable reference from a second senior member. Sponsors and seconders must be active members. Potential members will be interviewed by no fewer than two members of the Membership Committee. If the applicant is considered to be suitable, the name is put forward for the approval of the Board of Directors.

When the application is approved at the Board level, the applicant will be asked to complete the financial obligations of membership; an entrance fee is payable upon admission. Annual dues are billed to each member. Activity fees are billed monthly, based on the member’s use of the club’s facilities. There is no minimum monthly spending requirement.
